100 Hour Children's Yoga Teacher Training (Part 1) RCYT RCYS
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Welcome to 100 Hour, Children’s Yoga Teacher Training (Part 1) ~ Yoga Alliance, Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Training (RCYT), Approved Programming!
UDEMY’S FIRST & ONLY Yoga Alliance, Children’s Yoga Teacher Training, RCYT – Delivered through our Registered Children’s Yoga School, RCYS.
We invite you to learn the skills to become an engaging and inspiring Children’s Yoga Teacher ~ making a difference in the lives of little humans everywhere.
Become a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT) ~ Make the world a better place, one child at a time! Teach empathy, kindness, equality, love and generosity to the next generation through experiential learning all while having fun and moving in a healthy and mindful way. No prior yoga experience is required to join the Children’s Yoga Teacher Training. We are here to provide you with all the support you need on your Children’s Yoga Teacher Training journey. Upon completion of this course, you can start teaching yoga to children right away. You will be amazed at how the course applies to all areas of life and the positive impact you will have on the next generation! Our course will enable you to deliver children’s yoga classes that will connect your students to themselves, each other, and the environment. Through unique and engaging practices of mindfulness and yoga, your students will be able to find connections, enhance well-being and thrive as grounded, integrated and well balanced individuals. We focus on how to teach yoga to children and teens (ages 3-17), and how to help them release stress, relax, stretch, energize, all in creative and fun ways while taking into consideration their unique needs, whether they are physical, social, mental, or emotional.
We are the Leader in Online Yoga Education and a leading provider of Yoga Teacher Training & Yoga Continuing Education courses on Udemy! We have been providing programming since 2010, and have graduated over 36,000 students around the world, both in person and online.
- IMPORTANT: The course is divided into 2 PARTS, and you are required to complete both parts, successfully, to be eligible for the 200 Hour certification.
- NOTE: In order to complete the Children’s Yoga Teacher Training certification, you will be required to access 4 LIVE sessions via our studio platform. These sessions are ongoing, weekly. If you cannot make it one week, that’s ok, you can join another week. Inside the course, we provide you with a full calendar of live events, and you can choose events that suit your schedule. As Yoga is about ethics and integrity, we expect students to responsible for their attendance.
PART 1 – Children’s Yoga Training Certificate (Part 1) includes:
- Part 1 Manual (PDF & Downloadable)
- Developmental Anatomy
- Understanding & Exploring What Children’s Yoga Is
- Breath & Warm-Up Postures
- Children’s Mental Health & Physical Wellbeing
- Strengthening Postures
- Standing Postures
- Understanding Child Development
- Mindfulness & Meditation for Children
- Practice Classes
- Online Studio Access for Live Classes (required for those wishing to be certified)
In Part 1, the main foundations of Children;s Yoga are explored and developed through the extensive curriculum. These foundations, which include Yoga Anatomy and Physiology, are essential as you move into Part 2.
Part 2 – Children’s Yoga Training Certificate (Part 2) includes:
- Part 2 Manual (PDF & Downloadable)
- Balance Postures
- Heart Opening Postures
- Exloring the Chakras
- Cool Down Postures
- Resting Postures
- Asana Teaching Methodology
- Asana Assisting & Adjusting
- Asana Sequencing
- Learning to teach Anatomy to Children
- Family Yoga
- Yoga Games (for Poses, for Learning Asana Names)
- Understanding Inclusive Yoga for Children with Special Needs
- Children’s Yoga Stories
- Business of Teaching Children’s Yoga
- Online Studio Access for Live Classes (required for those wishing to be certified)
- Practice Classes
- Final Quiz
- Yoga Insurance Discount
- ebook: The Yoga Meditation
- Sample Liability Waiver
- Sample Resume
- Yoga Inspiration Class Playlists
- Sample Classes
For students who are already a RCYT, Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher:
- All certificates are issued by UDEMY. With your UDEMY certificate, this course can be added to your Yoga Alliance profile. It qualifies for 100 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education (contact hour) credits. Instructions will be provided at the end of the program on how to add these to your profile. However, if a student would like to receive a certificate from the school, they can apply for this at the end of the program. There is an administration fee of 35 (thirty-five) dollars. This is optional and not required.
For students wanting full certification as a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher:
- If you wish to receive the official school certificate, upon successful completion of Parts 1 & 2, you will be instructed on how to request this from the school at the end of Part 2. You do not need to request any certificates until then. The fee associated with this request is 65 (sixty-five) dollars. The fee is for the verification process and the creation of the official certificate. You will use this certificate to register with Yoga Alliance and/or the Global Online Yoga Association.
All course content is curated by and is exclusive to our program.
1Video Overview with Nancy, Juan, Joanna & MarkVideo lesson
2Recommended ReadingText lesson
3Helpful ToolsText lesson
4Navigating Self StudyText lesson
5Online Studio AccessText lesson
6Live Your Yoga PodcastText lesson
7The Online Student & Faculty CommunityText lesson
8Postures Manual - Part 1Text lesson
9InspirationText lesson
10Video | Nancy Frohlick, Juan Villegas & Mark Atherton ~ Introduction & IntentionVideo lesson
11What is Yoga?Text lesson
12What is Children's Yoga?Text lesson
13Live Session AccessText lesson
14Lecture | Nancy Frohlick & Mark Atherton ~ What is Children's Yoga?Video lesson
15Video Resource | Lael Stone ~ How to Raise Emotionally Intelligent ChildrenText lesson
16Video Resource | Dr. Gabor Maté ~ How Childhood Trauma Leads to AddictionText lesson
17Your Yoga Practice | Sweet and Gentle Hatha - Sharon NeishVideo lesson
Sharon guides you through this sweet and gentle hatha yoga practice. Slow thoughtful stretches, mindful attention to the neck, legs and hips will leave you feeling relaxed, soothed and restored. A great practice at any time of the day.
18Online Studio AccessText lesson
19InspirationText lesson
20Easy PoseVideo lesson
How To
Sit down and cross your legs (or criss-cross applesauce the legs). Sit up nice and tall, with the top of the head reaching for the sky. Rest hands on the legs, palms face up or down.
Creative Cue
How tall and long can you look?
21Around the World (Sufi Grind)Video lesson
How To
Sitting in criss-cross applesauce, place the hands on the legs and begin to circle the torso in one direction. The chest moves forward, to the side, back, to the other side, and forward again. After many times, circle in the other direction.
Creative Cue
We are going around the world!! what country should we go to?
22Seated Twist PoseVideo lesson
How To
Sitting with the legs crossed, place the right hand behind and close to the body. Place the left hand on the right leg. Rotate the spine and head to the right. Sit tall in the twist.
Change to the other side: left hand behind, right hand on the left leg, twisting to the left.
Return to center. Try the twist again on both sides!
Creative Cue
Name something you see behind you.
23Neck TurnsVideo lesson
How To
From seated or standing, with the head over the spine (ears over shoulders), turn the head to the right, turn the head to the left.
Repeat slowly multiple times.
Creative Cue
How still can you keep your shoulders?
24Shoulder ShrugsVideo lesson
How To
From seated or standing up, shrug the shoulders up to the ears, then let them drop down away from the ears. Repeat multiple times.
Variation: roll the shoulders up to the ears, down the back, up to the ears, down the back. Repeat multiple times.
Creative Cue
Can you touch your ears with your shoulders?
25Joints Warm UpVideo lesson
How To
Feet: from seated, circle the ankles multiple times in both directions.
Wrists: circle the wrists multiple times in both directions.
Hips: circle the hips forward, to the side, to the back, to the other side, repeat multiple times.
Creative Cue
What other joints could we circle?
26Train RideVideo lesson
How To
Sit down with the legs straight out, arms at the side, elbows bent, palms facing towards each other. Glide the right hip, leg, and shoulder forward, then the left hip, leg, and shoulder forward, swing the arms to help to find the momentum of a choo-choo train moving on the track.
Creative Cue
Can you make the sound of a train in locomotion?
27Live Session AccessText lesson
28Seated Cat CowVideo lesson
How To
Sit down with the knees bent and the feet on the floor. Wrap the hands around the shins or legs and begin to move back and forth in cat cow. As you breathe in, roll forward on the pelvis and bring the spine forward and up; as you breathe out, roll back on the pelvis and round the spine.
Creative Cue
When you inhale, imagine your spine like a cow's spine. When you exhale, imagine your spine like a cat's spine.
29Cat CowVideo lesson
How To
From hands and knees, make the shape of an angry cat by rounding the back and looking at the belly. Now make the shape of a cow by lifting the tail and chest up to the sky, looking forward and up. Move back and forth between cat and cow.
Creative Cue
Try hissssss-ing like an angry cat and moo-ing like a happy cow!
30Child's PoseVideo lesson
How To
Come onto the hands and knees and sit back to rest on the feet. The knees can be closer together or wider apart. Rest the head on the mat, with arms relaxed at the side. Or stack the hands to make a pillow for the head.
Creative Cues
Pretend you are strong and steady like a rock in this pose!
How long can you stay still like a rock in this pose?
31Bicycle LegsVideo lesson
How To
Lay down on the back and lift the legs up towards the sky. Begin to move the legs in the action of riding a bicycle. Repeat multiple times.
Creative Cue
Lift your hands and hold onto an imaginary bike and begin to pedal your bike upside down. Can you go faster?
32Yoga DanceVideo lesson
How To
Play some upbeat music and dance!
Note: If you don't have music you can direct the children to move freely and imagine their favourite music. You may begin moving specific body parts and build up until the whole body is moving.
Creative Cue
Dance like nobody is watching!
33InspirationText lesson
34Anatomy ResourcesText lesson
35Why Anatomy?Text lesson
36Children’s Health & WellbeingText lesson
37Lecture | Juan Villegas & Nancy Frohlick ~ Children’s Health & WellbeingVideo lesson
38Tissue DevelopmentText lesson
39The Respiratory SystemText lesson
40Video Resource | Dr. S.Rosenblatt & Dr. N.Wolter Basic Pediatric Airway AnatomyText lesson
41The Endocrine SystemText lesson
42PubertyText lesson
43Video Resource | Hank Green ~ The Teenage Brain ExplainedText lesson
44The Central Nervous SystemText lesson
45Voluntary MusclesText lesson
46The Skeletal SystemText lesson
47The Sense of Equilibrium & BalanceText lesson
48Live Session AccessText lesson
49Video Resource | It's AumSum Time ~ How Do Ears Help with Balancing?Text lesson
50Tips for Protecting Children Under Your CareText lesson
52InspirationText lesson
53Boat PoseVideo lesson
How To
From seated position, knees bent and feet on the ground, place the hands behind the legs. Move the belly towards the spine, lift the chest, and lean back slightly. Roll back on the seat and lift the feet off the ground. Feet can stay lower to the ground or higher to the sky.
Hands can stay on legs or bring the arms out to the side.
Creative Cues
Can you balance like a boat bobbing in the ocean waves?
Sing the “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat” song!
You can turn your boat into a paddleboat, a canoe, a kayak, or any other size boat!
54Downward Dog PoseVideo lesson
How To
From hands and knees, spread the fingertips wide apart and press the hands firmly into the mat.
Tuck the toes under, lift the hips up and back, making an upside-down V shape. Try wagging the tail like a happy dog by lifting one leg up. Bend and straighten the knee to waggle the tail. Waggle the other side.
Creative Cues
Imagine you are a dog stretching in this pose! What kind of dog are you? Can you wag your tail like a happy dog?
Have fun barking like a dog during or after this pose!
55Dolphin PoseVideo lesson
How To
From hands and knees, lower onto the forearms with the fingers interlaced. The arms will form an upside-down V shape. Knees can stay down or tuck the toes and lift the hips up. Rock forwards and backwards.
Creative Cues
Can you mimic the movement of a dolphin playing in the water?
What sound does a dolphin make?
Imagine you are the fin of a dolphin.
56Dolphin PlankVideo lesson
How To:
From hands and knees, lower onto the forearms with the fingers interlaced. Tuck the toes under, pull the belly towards the spine. Walk the feet back and make the shape of a plank of wood. The head stays level to the back body. Try to keep the plank sturdy and strong!
Creative Cue
Imagine you are a playful and friendly dolphin in this pose!
57Plank PoseVideo lesson
How To
From hands and knees, spread the fingertips wide apart and press the hands firmly into the mat. Firmly pull the belly towards the spine. Step back onto the balls of the feet.
Keep the head level to the back body and the body strong like a plank of wood.
Creative Cue
Imagine you are the plank in a pirate ship.
58Low PlankVideo lesson
Note: For tweens/teens only
How To
From plank, shift the chest slightly forward, keep the elbows tucked into your side and slowly lower down. Can you float above the ground maintaining the plank shape? Keep the head level to the back body. Lower all the way down to the belly when ready.
Creative Cue
How long can you hold it for?
59Rainbow PoseVideo lesson
Note: For tweens/teens only
How To
From Downward Facing Dog pose, walk the feet together and pivot onto the right hand as you stack the feet. If this feels tippy, bend the left leg and put the left foot down in front of or behind the right leg. Reach the left arm up and overhead.
Come back to Downward Facing Dog to switch sides.
Creative Cues
Pretend you are like a beautiful rainbow beam!
60InspirationText lesson
61Sun FlowVideo lesson
How To
Start in Mountain pose, with our heels down and the crown of our head lifting up and up!
Inhale, take your arms out to the side and up towards the sky. Reach your fingers toward the sky and make yourself long and tall! This is Sunrise pose.
Exhale, dive down, bring your hands to your shins, and bend your knees a little bit. Everyone's sunset will look different. Let your head hang heavy and relax here. This is our Sunset pose!
Inhale, bring your head and torso up halfway. Reach the crown of your head forward. This is Horizon pose.
Exhale, bring your arms back down toward your mat for Sunset.
Inhale, step your feet back to Plank.
Exhale, keep your spine in a straight line, and lower belly down on the mat.
Inhale, chest up, look forward for Cobra.
Exhale, press up to your hands and knees, and lift your pelvis up and back for Downward Dog.
Inhale, step your feet forward to your hands, back to Sunset and exhale.
Inhale, bring your head and torso up halfway. Reach the crown of your head forward. Back to Horizon pose. Exhale hands down.
Inhale, bend your knees and come back into your Sunrise pose! Reach your arms up and up toward the sky!
Bring your arms back down to your sides and back to Mountain pose.
Creative Cues
Sunrise ~ Imagine you are the bright and shining sun, rising early in the morning during sunrise!
Sunset ~ Pretend that you are the bright and shining sun and you are setting at sunset after a long day!
Horizon ~ Imagine you are like the sun halfway on the horizon in the sky here!
Pank ~ Imagine you are walking the plank like a pirate in your plank pose!
Cobra ~ Pretend you are a slithery cobra in your cobra pose! Can you make the sound of a cobra? Ssssssssssssssssss
Downward Dog ~ Imagine that you are a dog stretching in your Downward Facing Dog pose!
62Mountain PoseVideo lesson
How To
Stand with parallel feet, hip-distance apart. Balance the weight evenly over the feet. Align the ears over the shoulders. Rest the arms alongside the body. Reach the top of the head up towards the sky.
Creative Cues
Stand tall and steady like a mountain top!
63Standing Forward Fold PoseVideo lesson
How To
From Mountain Pose, place hands on the hips (or sweep arms up to the sky). Slightly bend the knees, shift the sitting bones back, hinge from the hips to forward fold. Relax the head down towards the ground. Hands can rest on legs or ground.
Creative Cue
Can you touch your toes?
64Chair PoseVideo lesson
How To
From Mountain Pose, bend the knees and sit back onto an imaginary chair. Move the arms up beside the body, palms facing in. Look down to see the toes with knees pointing straight ahead. Keep your chair strong and steady!
Creative Cues
Sit into your imaginary chair!
See how long you can stay in your imaginary chair!
Pretend you are a skier in this pose!
Imagine that you are almost down the mountain in your Skier pose!
65Warrior II PoseVideo lesson
How To
Step the feet wide apart, front toes face forward, back toes point to the side. Bend into the front knee and lift the arms out nice and wide. Imagine you are surfing the ocean waves! Keep the legs strong and the gaze steady down the front arm to help you balance on your imaginary surfboard.
To change sides pivot or jump the feet in the other direction.
Creative Cue
Imagine you are strong and brave like a warrior here!
66Side Angle PoseVideo lesson
How To
From Warrior II pose set up, tilt the pelvis to side bend over the bent right leg. Rest the right hand or elbow on the knee and reach the left arm overhead. Come back up to Warrior II and straighten the right leg. Pivot the left foot out, bend the left knee and tilt the pelvis to side bend over the left leg. Rest the left hand or elbow on the knee and reach the right arm overhead. Return to Warrior II and straighten the left leg.
Creative Cue
The top arm is forming the frame of a window, take a look out the window! What do you see? I can see you!
67Triangle PoseVideo lesson
How To
Step the feet wide apart, with front toes pointing forward and back toes pointing to the side. Reach the arms out wide, in line with the shoulders. Now tip like a teapot pouring tea from the spout over the right leg. Rest the right hand on the right leg and reach the left arm up to the sky. Look up, down, or to the middle, depending on how it feels for the neck.
Creative Cue
Imagine you are a pointy triangle in this pose!
68Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold PoseVideo lesson
How To
Stand with feet wide apart, toes pointing forward. Place the hands on the hips. Hinge forward from the hips, tilting the tail up to the sky and lowering the head toward the ground. Place the hands on the legs or the ground to help you balance.
To come out, place hands back on hips, lift the chest and head up, carefully come back up to standing.
Creative Cues
Imagine you are folding down like a piece of paper!
Pretend like your head is heavy in this pose like a bowling ball!
You can nod your head back and forth like you are saying 'yes' or 'no'!
You can shrug your shoulders like you are saying 'maybe'!
69Warrior I PoseVideo lesson
How To
Step the feet wide apart with the front and back toes facing forward. Bend the front knee and reach the arms straight up overhead. Keep the gaze steady like a brave and peaceful warrior.
Pivot or jump the feet to the other side.
Creative Cues
Take your arms up to the sky like you are climbing a tree! Clap your hands like you are giving yourself a high five when you get up to the top of your tree.
Imagine you are strong and brave like a warrior here!
70High Lizard PoseVideo lesson
How To
From Downward Facing Dog, step the right foot forward into lunge, place the fingertips on either side of the foot. Stay up on the ball of the left foot. Draw the belly towards the spine to stay strong as the torso and arms rise up.
Return to Downward Facing Dog to do the other side.
Creative Cues
Imagine you are a lizard in this pose!
Stick your tongue out like a lizard here to catch some flies!
Stick your tongue out like a lizard and go “hissssss”!
Sway from side to side like a lizard and pretend like you see a fly you are going to put on your tongue!
71Pyramid PoseVideo lesson
How To
Step the feet apart with the front and back toes facing forward. Keep the legs straight.
Bring the hands behind and interlace the fingers. Hinge from the hips to bow over the left thigh and try to kiss the knee as arms sweep up towards the sky. Come back up, pivot the feet to do the other side.
Creative Cues
Imagine you are like a pyramid here in your Pyramid pose!
Fold forward like you are a piece of paper!
Imagine your head is heavy in your Pyramid pose, like a really heavy bowling ball!
72Frog PoseVideo lesson
How To
From Mountain pose, step the feet a bit wider apart, turn the toes out slightly and sit down into a Frog Squat. Heels may be touching the ground or lifted.
Creative Cues
Try hopping around like a frog!
Stick your tongue out like a frog and see how many flies you can catch!
73Online Studio AccessText lesson
74InspirationText lesson
75Poem | Dorothy Law Nolte ~ Children Learn What They LiveText lesson
76Introduction to Child DevelopmentText lesson
77Lecture | Joanna Griffin & Mark Atherton ~ Child DevelopmentVideo lesson
Please note that the content for this lecture and the topic largely depends on resources and texts available and may seem outdated when seen from the evolving understanding of gender. As a result, you may notice that the terms 'Boys' and 'Girls' are sometimes used in this lecture and this is due to the resources and data available at the time of filming. We will update and refilm content as more updated resources become available.
78Language & Communication | 3 – 5 Years Old ~ Pre-schoolText lesson
79Cognitive Development | 3 – 5 Years Old ~ Pre-schoolText lesson
80Movement & Physical Development | 3 – 5 Years Old ~ Pre-schoolText lesson
81Social & Emotional Development | 3 – 5 Years Old ~ Pre-schoolText lesson
82Language & Communication | 6 – 12 Years Old ~ Primary SchoolText lesson
83Cognitive Development | 6 – 12 Years Old ~ Primary SchoolText lesson
84Movement & Physical Development | 6 – 12 Years Old ~ Primary SchoolText lesson
85Social & Emotional Development | 6 – 12 Years Old ~ Primary SchoolText lesson
86Language & Communication | 13 – 17 Years Old ~ TeensText lesson
87Cognitive Development | 13 – 17 Years Old ~ TeensText lesson
88Movement & Physical Development | 13 – 17 Years Old ~ TeensText lesson
89Social & Emotional Development | 13 – 17 Years Old ~ TeensText lesson
90Useful Links & Recommended Reading ArticlesText lesson