200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (Part 1) Yoga Alliance RYT200
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Welcome to 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training (Part 1) ~ Yoga Alliance Approved Programming!
Become a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT200) ~ This course is an inspiring, yoga teacher training curated by our experienced team of teachers who are interested in your success as a yoga teacher and as a person. We will give you the tools to create possibility through yoga practice and in all areas of your life. You will leave this training with a new sense of clarity and purpose no matter what you choose to do with the training: whether you choose to teach yoga in a studio or create programs that change lives in schools, corporations or wherever you are inspired to make a difference. The combined parts will provide you with the foundation and skill set to confidently and safely teach Yoga.
We are the Leader in Online Yoga Education and a leading provider of Yoga Teacher Training & Yoga Continuing Education courses on Udemy! We have been providing programming since 2010, and have graduated over 36,000 students around the world, both in person and online.
IMPORTANT: The course is divided into 2 PARTS, and you are required to complete both parts, successfully, to be eligible for the 200 Hour certification.
NOTE: In order to complete the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training certification, you will be required to access 6 LIVE sessions via our studio platform. It is 6 live sessions, total, for both parts. These sessions are ongoing, weekly. If you cannot make it one week, that’s ok, you can join another week. Inside the course, we provide you with a full calendar of live events, and you can choose events that suit your schedule. As Yoga is about ethics and integrity, we expect students to responsible for their attendance.
PART 1 – 200-Hour Yoga Training Certificate (Part 1) includes:
Part 1 Manual (PDF & Downloadable)
Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga
History of Yoga
Styles of Yoga
Yoga Philosophy
Practice Classes
Online Studio Access for Live Classes (required for those wishing to be certified – cost is 39 (thirty-nine) dollars)
In Part 1, the main foundations of Yoga are explored and developed through the extensive curriculum. These foundations, which include Yoga Anatomy and Physiology, are essential as you move into Part 2.
Part 2 – 200-Hour Yoga Training Certificate (Part 2) includes:
Part 2 Manual (PDF & Downloadable)
30 Essential Asana (Postures) with Tutorials
Asana Teaching Methodology
Asana Assisting & Adjusting
Asana Sequencing
Ethics & Authenticity as a Teacher
Business of Yoga
Online Studio Access for Live Classes (required for those wishing to be certified)
Practice Classes
Final Quiz
Yoga Insurance Discount
ebook: The Yoga Meditation
Sample Liability Waiver
Sample Resume
Yoga Inspiration Class Playlists
Sample Classes
For students who are already a RYT200, Registered Yoga Teacher:
All certificates are issued by UDEMY. With your UDEMY certificate, this course can be added to your Yoga Alliance profile. It qualifies for 100 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education (contact hour) credits. Instructions will be provided at the end of the program on how to add these to your profile. However, if a student would like to receive a certificate from the school, they can apply for this at the end of the program. There is an administration fee of 35 (thirty-five) dollars. This is optional and not required.
For students wanting full certification as a Registered 200 Hour Yoga Teacher:
If you wish to receive the official school certificate, upon successful completion of Parts 1 & 2, you will be instructed on how to request this from the school at the end of Part 2. You do not need to request any certificates until then. The fee associated with this request is 65 (sixty-five) dollars. The fee is for the verification process and the creation of the official certificate. You will use this certificate to register with Yoga Alliance and/or the Global Online Yoga Association.
All course content is curated by and is exclusive to our program.
By joining our program here on Udemy, you become a part of our Community Supporting Community program, which allows us to return 5% of your course fees, back to communities which focus on educational equality for children. Every penny counts and together, we make a difference!
1Recommended ReadingText lesson
2Navigating Self StudyText lesson
3Guidelines for Health Conditions, Pregnancy & Physical ChallengesText lesson
4Live Your Yoga PodcastText lesson
5Online Studio AccessText lesson
6The Online Student & Faculty CommunityText lesson
7Register with GOYA (Global Online Yoga Association)Text lesson
8Manual - Part 1Text lesson
10Module 1 | Body Talk | OverviewText lesson
11All Systems GoVideo lesson
12The Bone SongVideo lesson
This song is a fantastic way to remember the bones of the body. It's quite catchy, and you may just find yourself singing it in the shower.
We refer to this song in upcoming lectures, but wanted you to watch it once through, before we move ahead!
13Bare BonesVideo lesson
14Joint VenturesVideo lesson
15Live Session AccessText lesson
42Yoga PhilosophyVideo lesson
43PatanjaliText lesson
44The Yoga SutrasText lesson
45The 8 Limbs of YogaText lesson
46Limb 1 | Yama: RestraintText lesson
47Limb 2 | Niyama: ObservancesText lesson
48Limb 3 | Asana: PostureText lesson
49Limb 4 | Pranayama: Breath ControlText lesson
50Limb 5 | Pratyahara: Sense WithdrawalText lesson
51Limb 6 | Dharana: ConcentrationText lesson
52Limb 7 | Dhyana: Meditative AbsorptionText lesson
53Limb 8 | Samadhi: Pure ConsciousnessText lesson
55PranayamaVideo lesson
56What is Pranayama?Text lesson
57The Parts of the Breath | Puraka, Rechaka, KumbhakaText lesson
58Prana | Apana | AgniText lesson
59Ujjayi BreathText lesson
60Yogic BreathingText lesson
61Bhramari 'Bee" BreathingText lesson
62KapalabhatiText lesson
63Nadi ShodhanaText lesson
64Live Session AccessText lesson