Essential Workplace First Aid Skills for Employee Safety
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With the Essential Workplace First Aid Skills for Employee Safety Course, you can become the hero of your workplace and save lives.
In this course, you’ll learn every detail of workplace first aid to ensure workplace health and safety. You will get in-depth knowledge on acting effectively in emergency response as we train you on workplace first aid arrangements and primary assessment methods.
Throughout the course, we’ll provide you with an understanding of workplace first aid, including the fundamentals of first aid, the necessity of workplace first aid, laws and regulations related to workplace first aid, your roles in an emergency, and learning various life-saving techniques such as CPR, and AED.
Upon completing the course you will have a baseline understanding of minor and major health issues and will receive first-aid training to handle them effectively.
Equip yourself with life-saving skills! Join our Essential Workplace First Aid course and ensure your safety and your colleagues.
This course comes with the following Sections:
- Workplace First Aid 101: In this section, you will explore the fundamentals of first aid training in the workplace including necessary first aid arrangements, regulations, need assessment and role of the appointed persons.
- First Things First: Workplace injuries can be critical. You need to know how to do the primary assessment of a victim who’s injured or has fallen ill to determine the type and severity of their condition and plan the next steps. It will be covered in this section.
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Emergency response procedures such as CPR can be lifesaving. CPR, the recovery position, rolling a victim into the recovery position, performing CPR, delivering effective chest compressions, rescuing breaths, and determining when to stop CPR are covered here.
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED): In first aid training, it is crucial to understand how to use an AED. Basically, AEDs are lifesaving devices that can be used during sudden cardiac arrest. This section will talk about what they are, and how they can be used safely.
- Minor Workplace Injuries: In the workplace, it is common for minor injuries to be ignored, resulting in worse outcomes. In this section, we will concentrate solely on minor workplace injuries. We will provide first aid instruction for minor injuries, such as cuts, bruises, sprains, eye injuries, minor burns, etc.
- Minor Illnesses: This section covers minor illnesses and their first aid treatments, including fever, headaches, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, and the common cold.
- Choking: This section explains how to help someone who is choking, why we choke, and how to give abdominal thrusts, back blows, and chest thrusts.
- Severe Conditions: Heart attacks, strokes, asthma, anaphylaxis, seizures, food poisoning, and diabetic hypoglycemia are covered in this section of our Workplace first aid training course.
11.1 What is First Aid?Video lesson
In this short video, you'll get a brief idea about first aid, as it's the crucial care that could make all the difference in saving a life before professional help arrives.
21.2 First Aid ArrangementsVideo lesson
In this tutorial, you will explore in depth what arrangements you need to keep for emergencies in order to conduct first aid properly.
31.3 The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981Video lesson
You might not be aware that as an employer, you must ensure your employees are safe. Let's see what the Health and Safety Regulations 1981 say in this tutorial.
41.4 Needs AssessmentVideo lesson
It's essential to evaluate your first aid provision in light of a variety of factors, including workplace hazards and employee needs. This video will provide information on how employers can assess and meet first-aid requirements in high-risk workplaces.
51.5 Contents of a First Aid BoxVideo lesson
Knowing what to include in a first aid box can be critical in an emergency situation. So what to include in your first aid box? To find out, watch this video.
61.6 First-aid roomsVideo lesson
Watch this informative tutorial to learn how to create a well-equipped first-aid room in your workplace, as providing a suitable first-aid room is critical for workplaces. A well-equipped and properly maintained facility is essential for immediate use.
71.7 Your Role in a First Aid SituationVideo lesson
In this informative video, you will learn how to control a first-aid situation, stay calm, call for assistance, record your actions, and ensure your safety in an emergency.
82.1 First Things FirstVideo lesson
In this tutorial, you will learn how to determine the most appropriate first aid procedure for a victim based on their condition systematically and accurately. You will be instructed on how to follow the DR ABC action plan and take immediate action to provide proper care when a victim collapses.
92.2 Dressings & BandagesVideo lesson
This presentation will shortly cover different dressings and bandages.
10Your Basic First Aid KitText lesson
113.1 When to Use CPRVideo lesson
You should know when to perform CPR if an emergency occurs. Let's watch this video to learn more about the two different scenarios and what to do in the event of an emergency.
123.2 Recovery PositionVideo lesson
Let's learn how to safely roll unconscious but breathing victims into the recovery position in order to protect their airways and maintain effective breathing in case of an emergency.
133.3 Performing CPRVideo lesson
Learn how to perform effective CPR and chest compressions, including rescue breathing, and when to stop. Find out more in this lesson.
175.1 Cuts and GrazesVideo lesson
This video teaches you how to treat cuts and grazes yourself with a few simple steps and when to seek medical attention.
185.2 BruisesVideo lesson
Bruising can be extremely painful. Watch this tutorial to find out how to manage bruises so you can reduce swelling and relieve pain.
195.3 Sprains and Strains or Soft-Tissue InjuriesVideo lesson
Using the PRICE method, you can manage sprains and strains. To know more! Watch the video and find out the signs, symptoms, and how to prevent further injury.
205.4 NosebleedsVideo lesson
With this lecture discover how to properly manage nosebleeds.
215.5 FaintingVideo lesson
We've all witnessed or experienced a fainting episode at some point in our lives. Learn what causes fainting and how to respond in this lecture.
225.6 Minor BurnsVideo lesson
Taking care of a minor burn with simple first-aid steps can prevent it from becoming a major problem. Watch the video to learn more.
235.7 BlistersVideo lesson
We’ll show you how to properly care for blisters and prevent infections in this informative video on minor injuries.
245.8 SplintersVideo lesson
Watch our video to learn the steps on how to safely remove a splinter from your skin and prevent infection.
255.9 Eye InjuriesVideo lesson
This tutorial explains how to treat eye injuries, including chemical burns, foreign objects, flash burns, and eye wounds.
265.10 Animal BitesVideo lesson
With some simple steps explained in this video tutorial, you can prevent an animal bite from ruining your day.
275.11 Insect StingsVideo lesson
Check out this video for advice on how to properly treat and manage insect stings to avoid complications.
286.1 FeverVideo lesson
You will learn how to handle fever properly, and its sign & symptoms in this video.
296.2 HeadachesVideo lesson
A headache is not usually a serious problem and can be treated easily. This video will show you how you can treat a headache.
306.3 DiarrhoeaVideo lesson
Diarrhoea can cause dehydration, but it can be prevented. Our informative video explains how to spot dehydration and what to do to stay hydrated.
316.4 Nausea and VomittingVideo lesson
We've got easy tips to prevent dehydration and provide first aid support for nausea and vomiting in this tutorial.
326.5 Common ColdVideo lesson
Find out how to treat the common cold and how to prevent cold viruses from spreading in this video.
337.1 Helping a Choking VictimVideo lesson
Unless treated immediately, choking can be life-threatening for the victim. Find out how to save a choking victim from death in this video.
347.2 Saving Someone from ChokingVideo lesson
Watch our video to learn the signs, symptoms, and crucial first-aid steps of a choking emergency.
357.3 Giving Abdominal ThrustsVideo lesson
During this video, we demonstrate how to effectively give abdominal thrusts to a patient who is choking.
368.1.1 Chest PainText lesson
This article will discuss the signs and symptoms of chest pain and will share some tips on what to do when someone is experiencing chest pain.
378.1.2 Heart AttackVideo lesson
Watch this video now to learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Early intervention can save lives.
388.2 StrokesVideo lesson
The purpose of this video is to teach how to recognise stroke signs and what to do in the event of an emergency.
398.3 AsthmaVideo lesson
Check out our informative video to learn what to do when someone gets an asthma attack.
408.4 Anaphylaxis (Severe Allergic Reaction)Video lesson
Watch this tutorial to learn about anaphylaxis, what it looks like, and what to do. Make sure you have the knowledge and tools to help someone.
418.5 Using an Epinephrine auto-injectorText lesson
This lecture will give instruction on using an auto-injector in times of emergency situation.
428.6 SeizuresVideo lesson
During this informative video lesson, you will learn how to treat generalised and focal seizures, as well as myths surrounding seizure first aid.
438.7 Food PoisoningVideo lesson
Find out the signs and symptoms of food poisoning and what to do in case of contamination.
448.8 PoisoningText lesson
This lecture will teach you what to do when you or someone close to you have been poisoned.
458.9 Diabetic Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)Video lesson
You will be better prepared in case of an emergency if you are aware of the signs and symptoms of diabetic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Watch this video for more information.
468.10 Diabetic Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar)Video lesson
Low blood sugar can be dangerous for diabetes patients. Learn the signs, symptoms, and how to respond in this informative tutorial.