Living In the Love Frequency Meditation Program
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Most people give, and give, and give until they begin to feel empty or exhausted. The answer is meditation.
But so many get discouraged because they try meditation and don’t see the benefit. Either they can’t get their brain to still, or all sorts of negative emotions and thoughts come to the surface that were lurking under the busy going-going lifestyle.
They begin to wonder, “what’s the point of meditation anyway? I feel like I’m just making negative progress. It’s not worth it. I don’t have time for this anyway.”
Most of the meditation programs on the market are aimed toward:
1. Relaxation and stress relief.
2. A stilling of all thoughts.
3. Energy work.
4. A guided journey where they talk, talk, talk….. talk some more, making it impossible to truly train and make REAL progress in your inward journey into stillness and your own inner wisdom.
And most meditation programs don’t align with what I wish for you, which is
… for you to feel deeply lovable, loving, and loved and to be able to take this energy of loving kindness and higher awareness into your daily life.
So, I set out on a mission:
To help as many people that struggle to start and maintain a daily meditation practice to begin a journey inward into stillness, serenity, a connection to love, and all things, so they get up afterward refreshed, feeling lovable, loved, connected, and elevated.
This meditation program is six weeks. There is a new meditation video to do daily each week, as well as a self hypnosis guided meditation you can listen to right before you fall asleep or when you first wake up in the morning. As a bonus, I have created a beautiful meditation journal pdf you can download and use.
I firmly believe in my heart of hearts that it is part of my purpose to give you this program. I was meant to come here to heal, evolve, and give. Part of that is sharing a new secret with you….
I believe we are not all meant in meditation to clear our heads of thoughts and enter a void. We’re meant to leverage the emotion of loving kindness, to train it along with the strength of our focus to guide us on the inward journey to connect with energy flows and enter the LOVE Frequency.
I almost didn’t make this program and start teaching meditation because I thought, WHO AM I TO DO THIS?
I’m not some perfect angel. I’m not different than you. I’m a mom of three beautiful kids who still gets grumpy sometimes. I get overwhelmed. I feel sad and angry. Challenges arise and negative emotions arise. I make mistakes and fail. I am in process, as we all are 🙂
The difference is, now I know how to sit down in meditation, connect, bliss out, fill up with energy and love, and come back with that love halo uplifting me. I know how to re-enter the love frequency when I get out of alignment and take it back into my daily life with me.
So can you. Meditation doesn’t need to be something you do in silence once a day. It can become the centering force that supports and aligns you into the love frequency.
1WelcomeText lesson
2Self Hypnosis Guided Meditation Love & AbundanceText lesson
You can continue to use this audio download daily for the rest of the program. I invite you to listen to this self-hypnosis daily right before you fall asleep or first thing when you wake up in the morning to rewire your subconscious brain. I have experienced amazing results with this audio, and I hope you will too.
Wishing you radiant health, joy, fulfillment, and abundance for your highest good and the highest good of all. Love & Light, Heather
4NotesText lesson
5Meditation: Heart Center & Being Fully EmbodiedVideo lesson
I invite you this week to: Release, Let Go, Renew
As you flow into a daily meditation practice and allows you to release and let go of thoughts, old energy, and blockages. I invite you to let the energy flow and open to new freedom, clarity, and spaciousness flowing within you.
6NotesText lesson
7Meditation Heart Healing & Deep RelaxationVideo lesson
I invite you this week to: Increase self-awareness and perception of energy movement.
This week's aim is to journey into more profound body relaxation as you open to feeling the different layers of energy movement within the body, emotions, thoughts, & auric field.
8NotesText lesson
9Meditation for Self Love & Releasing Stress, Anxiety, FearVideo lesson
I invite you this week to: Reduce stress, anxiety, and fear. Enhance well-being.
The focus on this week is to deeply relax the body, withdraw your senses inward, and begin to still your mind. I invite you to do this week's meditation daily.
12NotesText lesson
13Healing the Heart MeditationVideo lesson
I invite you this week to: Strengthen your connection to your soul, heal your heart, and be open to living in the smooth, balanced, continual spiral and flow of light that is the love frequency.
This week the focus is on deepening the connection to your soul and heart space. Bring your focus to cultivating less reactivity and more emotional balance, personal ease, and flow. I invite you to take what you cultivate in your meditation practice into your life.
Can you maintain a bubble of pure love around you throughout the day?
Can you hold yourself with love even when negative emotions arise?
Can you hold yourself in love even when you fail, let yourself or others down, or feel the internal resistance to love?
Can you release judgment of yourself and others as you keep the love frequency flowing through you like a river of light from the top of your head out through the base of your spine? Can you feel the love frequency spiraling in your heart center?
We are all in process. Can you hold yourself with love where you are, right here, right now?
Every time you feel yourself slipping out of the love frequency, take a step back and recenter. If you feel the lovefulness around and within you is gone, it isn't. It is always, always with you. This endless loving light is always in you and around you, even if you can't perceive it.
Keep setting the intention to feel, experience, and enjoy being in the love frequency and SURRENDER your effort-ing as you allow it to be graceful, easeful, and like gliding down steps into a warm pool of water or laying down in a field of beautiful wildflowers in the sunshine.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or reflections.
I am here to support you, but the best answers will come from within you!
16NotesText lesson
17Meditation for Living in the Love Frequency, in the Present MomentVideo lesson
I invite you this week to: Open to more self-love as you balance your chakras.
The focus of this week is on stilling the mind into intense focus. We will work in the meditation on opening to more self-love as we balance and align the chakras with the love frequency.