Meditation For Beginners

- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Meditation is one of the most powerful things that you can do, as a human being. It trains you to be in control of you mind and your emotions, in ways that you never knew were possible. It allows you to be happy just to be alive, even in the most difficult of circumstances; even when you’re injured, or suffering a loss, stressed out at work, overwhelmed, depressed or anxious. It allows you to find the basic happiness of being alive, and that pervades everything else, so that you can deal with everything else much better.
Aside from just giving you that unshakeable happiness & joie de vivre, it also gives you control over your mind in ways that are hard to even imagine before you experience it. It gives you the ability to focus on whatever you want to focus on, which can make you extremely productive and successful in life.
Tim Ferris studied hundreds of the world’s most successful people: billionaires, celebrities, athletes, bodybuilders, and scientists at the tops of their fields. There was only one trait that over 80% of them had in common: a daily meditation practice. That’s crazy when you think about it. It’s not that they were all super intelligent, hard working, good looking, or born into wealthy families. The single most common trait among the world’s most successful people is meditation. Isn’t that weird?
To experienced meditators, this is not a surprise at all. It makes perfect sense that the world’s most successful people are meditators. Meditation is a meta-skill; it’s a skill that improves all of your other skills. It improves your ability to focus, so that you can do everything else better. In that way, meditation improves every aspect of your life, from relationships to health, happiness, productivity, career… everything.
In this course, you’ll go from complete n00b to at least understanding the basics of meditation. This course is Meditation For Beginners. It will help you to get a good firm grounding in the basics of meditation, that you’ll be able to take with you into daily life, to walk around in a meditative state, and to form the foundations for your own daily practice. All within about an hour and a half of course materials. Very easy, very simple, geared toward you, specifically, the beginner meditator. This will help you be happier in life, feel better, be healthier, and deal with pretty much anything that life will throw your way. The best hour and a half you’ll ever spend in the rest of your life is this hour and a half, watching this course, learning to meditate for the first time.
I’ll see you inside!
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Introduction to the course. After watching this video, students will understand the benefits that they will gain from the course, which should provide a healthy motivation for moving forward.
2What Is Meditation?Video lesson
What is Meditation? Is it religious or secular? How does it differ from Mindfulness?
3What Is The Point of Meditation?Video lesson
What is the point of meditation? Why do people meditate?
4Personal Intention StatementText lesson
5Exercise 1: Mindfulness of BreathingVideo lesson
Watching the Breath is one of the most popular and ancient meditation techniques in the world, going back all the way to the Buddha's Anapansati Sutta, written 2500 years ago.
6Debrief: Mindfulness of BreathingVideo lesson
What happened in your mind during that meditation exercise?
7What Did You Experience?Text lesson
8Warning: Breathwork Can Be Very Powerful!Text lesson
9Exercise 2: Breathwork / PranayamaVideo lesson
Unlike Mindfulness of Breathing, which is a very Buddist-style meditation, Pranayama is more of a yogic style. Instead of passively observing the breath, we'll be controlling the breath, for intense and rapid results.
10Debrief: BreathworkVideo lesson
How did that breathwork go for you? What was the experience like?
11What Did You Experience?Text lesson
12Exercise 3: Inhabiting The BodyVideo lesson
Have you ever been "stuck in your head"? Have you noticed how that can take you out of the moment? In this meditation we'll be inhabiting the body, and awakening to all six(?!?) of its senses.
13Debrief: Inhabiting The BodyVideo lesson
What did you experience in that meditation?
14What Did You Experience?Text lesson
15Exercise 4: Broad MindfulnessVideo lesson
Living on the razor's edge of Now.
16What Did You Experience?Text lesson
17Review of All Four TechniquesText lesson
18Longer Meditation PeriodsVideo lesson
Longer periods of meditation lead you deeper into states of bliss and ecstasy.
19Daily Meditation PracticeVideo lesson
Meditation is like going to the gym; you need to do it consistently in order to get healthier and avoid sliding backward.
20Sangha: CommunityVideo lesson
Connect with the other students in the class through the Q&A section. Get an accountability buddy!
21Connect With Your CommunityText lesson