- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Notice: Please do NOT enrol on this course on impulse, thinking you might watch it later. Maybe show an interest on impulse, yes, but before you enrol, watch the Preview videos, read the Course Description and then make a decision. If you then enrol then please start the course as soon as possible. Watch the lectures, look at the workbooks and join in the discussions. Joining my courses is a serious business and I want you to get the most out of your study – but I also want you to enjoy the course.
That is why I am asking that you only enrol because you really want to and that you start the course intending to make full use of all the resources.
You will be very welcome.
This course now has a brand new section on preventing heart attacks in women.
1. Stroke kills about twice as many women as breast cancer each year. In fact, stroke is the third leading cause of death for women. Stroke also kills more women than men each year. A stroke can leave you permanently disabled
Source: Women’s Health
2. Stroke is no friend to women. It kills more women than men and women have more strokes than men.
Source: Stroke Org
3. There are TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND THREE STUDENTS ON THIS COURSE (October 2019) but TWO have finished the course and only THIRTY have done more than 50%
There are MORE risk factors for women than men – but how many are well known? Even if you are aware of the risks do you know how to reduce them?
You have NOTHING to lose in taking this course – and everything to gain. But this course is not just for you but for your family, your friends, your partner, your neighbours – it is for everyone, but especially for women.
What’s covered:
- Weightloss
- Fitness
- Nutrition
- Yoga
- Risk factors
- Statins
Let’s cut to the chase: the aim of this course is to save your life.
The course includes a workbook:
Chapter 1 What causes TIAs?
- What is a TIA?
- Why it is important
- What are the causes of a TIA?
- How is a TIA diagnosed?
- Treatment for a TIA
- Symptoms of a ministroke
- Reducing the risk
- Medication and side effects
Chapter 2 Studies
- Studies
- Residual symptoms of a TIA
- Role of brain imaging in TIA
- TIA and common mimics
Chapter 3 Return to TIAs
- TIA facts
- Symptoms of a stroke
- How a TIA is diagnosed
- Therapy
Chapter 4 Stroke quiz
(A link to a site that has a) stroke quiz
Chapter 5 Comments
Comments about TIAs
Chapter 6 Return to risk factors
Risk factors
Chapter 7 Chameleons, panic attacks and TIAs
- Could the TIA be a panic attack?
- Anxiety or mini stroke
- Panic attack v heart attack
Chapter 8 Food
Foods increasing stroke risk
Chapter 9 Dr Malcolm Kendrick
Very interesting extracts from his blog, about strokes
Chapter 10 Risk calculator
Links and explanations about various stroke risk calculators
In conclusion
5About the lecturerVideo lesson
6IntroductionVideo lesson
7General (for everyone)Video lesson
8Preparation: Education about risk (part 1)Video lesson
9Preparation: Education about risk (part 2)Video lesson
10Prevention/Cause: Abdominal obesityVideo lesson
11Prevention/Cause: DepressionVideo lesson
12Medication/risk: Warfarin alternativesVideo lesson
13Prevention/Cause: Blood pressure / Hypertension (part 1)Video lesson
14Prevention/Cause: Blood pressure / Hypertension (part 2)Video lesson
15General: RevisionVideo lesson
16Revision: Reminder about symptoms and risk factorsVideo lesson
17Benchmarks to assess risk/progress: MeasurementsVideo lesson
18Cause: AfibVideo lesson
19Cause/symptoms: Migraines and aurasVideo lesson
20Cause/Symptoms: Gestational diabetesVideo lesson
21Prevention/Cause: SleepVideo lesson
22Prevention/Cause: DietVideo lesson
23Prevention: AntioxidantsVideo lesson
24Cause: Physical inactivityVideo lesson
25Prevention: Exercise for women (part 1)Video lesson
26Prevention: Exercise for women (part 2)Video lesson
27Prevention: Exercise for women (part 3)Video lesson
28Prevention: Exercise for women (part 4)Video lesson
29Prevention/Benchmarks to assess progress: Medical testsVideo lesson
30Prevention: YogaVideo lesson
31In conclusionVideo lesson
This is the concluding lecture. Attached to this lecture is a detailed workbook which concentrates on TIAs and preventive strategies. This is a workbook to be read, reacted to, used and researched. NOT just to skim through. Enjoy!
32A controversial lecture (part 1)Video lesson
33A controversial lecture (part 2)Video lesson